Mood: \(*0*)/ - Excited
...I LURVE DBSK. DBSK. DONG BANG SHIN KI~~~!!!!! I watched Star King, and DBSK was on itt!!! :D Little Shin Ki are... ADOREEEBLLLEEEE~~~ My fav Shin Ki would be... Xiah's? xD But those 'Amazing Girls' are really.. Mature for their age. xD Mature in a sorta 'dirty' way ROTFL. xD I thought Hero would've got more votes tho. *_* I would've picked him. xD JunSu is so popular. 0.o But I lurve JunSu too. <3 Here are my top 5 bands!
YAY. xD Oh yes, I changed my DBSK popularity chart now! xD
YooChoon doesn't appeal to me. D: Sorrrryyy~~ But Xiah is so.. CUTE WHEN HE SMILES. I totally agree with the host, it's JunSu's 'dreamy smile!' xD I also saw Xiah and Hero dancing, and man, I LURVE Hero's jacket!!! xD I want one. :D Looks like SHOWTA's from the pv, Fuyu no Mukou Gawa. ^_^ But here are who they look like to me.
1.Hero = Ueda? a bit.
2.Max = Taguchi and Nishikido Ryo faraway
3.Xiah = ?
4.Micky = ?
5.YooChoon = ?
rotffflll.. There's someone else Hero looks like.. OH YEAH, Nakagauchi Masataka. ^_^ Well, I better put the look alikes in my site.. :D I'm totally addicted to this song.. Balloons... I'm becoming a Korean Fan.. xD All bcuz of Vanilla. xD I'm still sorta unsure of Fahrenheit. ^^;; Although I'm in love with Jiro. *_* rofl.. Vanilla loves them too! She likes Wu Zun. xD My fav part of Balloons is when Chang Min starts singing, as well as when Hero goes, 'ahhh!!!!!' .. I LURVE DBSK. DBSK. DONG BANG SHIN KI. <3
Oh yes, this is the avatar I made, of Chang Min. ^_^
..AND THAT... is it. ^_^
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