Monday, April 09, 2007


yeyeyyeyeyeyeyeyey! (Aha, sry for spamming.) I FINISHED WATCHING GOKUSEN SEASON 1. Awesome, as always. <3 And also, the day before yesterday we went to richmond, and i saw the most shocking (yet amazing) thing ever. THE BEST OF KAT-TUN CD!!!! IN CANADA!!! *faints* I immediately bought it lols... After I bought it, I saw something even more shocking, which seemed impossible at that time. THE LIVE PERFORMANCE OF KAT-TUN ON DVD. DVD. DVD. DVD. I almost fainted, literally. Since Taguchi looked hot on the cover, she took it. She doesn't regret it, and neither do I. The live was SO AMAZING. Ueda was unexpectedly freakishly happy and laughed alot too! There was an extra interview at the end~~ Which Ueda, being a clumsy (but kawaii) idiot, dropped his bread and drink on to the floor while trying to open the cap of the bottle... After that, he laughed. HE WAS SO FRICKIN' ADORABLE. I'm sure my sister couldn't help herself either~~ And Taguchi had black ueda-like hair in the interview. He looked amazing. *_* He looked like the best with black-hair!! @///@ Watching the live perf. made me almost nosebleed~~ With all of Jin's "signature" moves... And Ueda and Kame's Heartbreak Club was sooo.... WONDERFUL~~ *flies* lolz. Ueda looked so happy! LIke ecstatic, and hyper!!! :D He was so kyuute.. And then I listened to the cd a bit, since I finished watching the live, the songs were undoubtedly amazing. 50% of the reason why I love kat-tun is because they are talented. 25% because they are hot, and the other 25% because they have amazing, and kind, personalities. ^^ I'm still not finished my SCIENCE H/W!! OH NOES!!! Bcuz I'm too excited..Once I get my daily allowance and finish my h/w, I'll go buy the arashi live I saw in the store. I was so tempted but then knew I wasted alot of money this weekend. :'( And Ohno looked so good on the cover. ;_; What should I put up now? Um Um... well well.. Maybe I'll post things up l8er, I wanna go work on my h/w. >.< I SHALL PUT UP GOKUSEN OR THE LIVE SOMETIME!! I hope i can.. >.<


P.S. Right now, I may seem happy, but something happened yesterday which hurt. I'm in pain right now... My mom seems to hate me, and we had a short arguement, and because of that, I think she feels unwanted around me. I truly love my mom, so I feel incredibly guilty to hear that... That's why I feel like I should dissappear from this world, and be punished... I wish my mom to be happy today.. Please give me the courage to help her be happier! >.<

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