Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I cried 4-5 times today...

Listening to: Someday for Somebody - Kamenashi Kazuya
Mood: (.`.`.) & (>o<") - Depressed & Stressed

As you can see, I feel terrible today... We had a field trip today to Cliffhangers and Granville Island. Granville Island was fun and I was able to be near 'Bababoy' as well as talk to many friends. My partner was my best friend in this school so I felt happy because of that as well. But then we went to Cliffhangers to climb rocks, and the first time I got so scared and I didn't even make it halfway. Until I realised I picked the hardest one, but I didn't even know... I began to cry because I failed and felt like a failure. The person (not to be offensive) wasn't exactly very encouraging and I felt so embarassed and like such an idiot. I cried so much and then my teacher talked to me and I felt a bit better. I tried on an easier one and almost made it until I gave up. I cried a bit after, and when I came home I cried again. I feel like such a failure and such a crybaby. Things aren't going any better right now, since I have to do so much homework, and they're all due tomorrow, and a major test where I have only 3 days to study. Writing this makes me teary eyed right now, or maybe it's the song? I wish I could one, be able to have the homework due later, two, more time to study, three, be able to climb higher, and four, be able to tell 'Bababoy' that I like him... I want him to know, but I'm too scared. All this is tying me down and I feel terrible. God, help me?


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