SRY FOR ALL THE PEOPLE THAT READ MY BLOG! I actually have a new one in xanga, please check that one instead. ^^ Thanks! =D
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Mood: \((^_________^))/ - Darn Happy
Aw, I'm so sorry I didn't post for a HECK of a long time! People might've thought I was kidnapped! :o lols jk. Well, I'm so glad to be back! My internet wasn't working so *sigh*. Oh yes, TODAY IS MASSU, JIN, AND KUSANO'S B-DAY! Happy b-day guys!

I also made these cookies that are for them!
Well, for those that are in my class... I MISS YOU GUYS ALREADY. DDD: I miss Jesse's weird jokes, Connie's smartness, my crush's face xD, and MY FRIENDSSSSS. DDDD: But I'm sure someday we'll see each other again! Oh darn, I'm so lazy, I dont wanna work on my manga.. I'm on volume 4 now.. The cover is Jesse's character... ^^;; Next volume will probably be Nerissa's character.. I've been on crunchyroll alot today. Me and my friends (classmates) went to the beach on the 2nd last day of school! SO FUN. :D I even recorded some stuff. Nish, I DIDN'T DELETE THE VIDEO MWAHAHAAH. He's gonna kill me hehe. I'm probably gonna eat the cookie now. xD Unless my family are. o_o My grandma helped me make the cookies for the 3 guys. ^^ She's so helpful, so cool too! She played in a hockey team! And I found out my grandpa was one of the strongest ping pong players in Malaysia!!! :D wow, a famous guy in my house lols. I hope to be famous... But not famous like Paris. 0.o;; I bought the DBSK's Rising Sun showcase, the DBSK Five in teh Black CD, and the KAT-TUN Real Face Concert!!!! IM SO HAPPY. The DBSK thing wasnt as great as I hope. :( Except for the part where Hero, opened up his shirt and said, "X-MAN!". Haha. LOVED LOVED LOOOOOOVED THE KAT-TUN REAL FACE CONCERT! Oh yes, a few days ago, I went to Nakamaru's (girl ver, my friend) house, and we jumped on the trampoline alot. Hehe. In the DBSK showcase, Jae Joong jumps and poses for this Fila photo thing, and so me and Nakamaru were jumping and posing. I posed while jumping, and she took apic of me! It looked really cool at the end.. Of course not as cool as Jae Joong! Man I'm typing alot, I'm a typing machine! Ouch my fingers are hurting lols. Oh yes, I also saw a video where Yamapi says he has C-CUPS. O_O HE REALLY HAS MOOBS!!!! :O Lols, I love u Yamapi. I also sawe a video where Kusano and KOyama are doing a skit. Kusano tries to call KOyama, but then his answering machine picks up. The answering machine says, "please make a message after the beep. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee----- etc. So Kusano whacks Koyama, and then Koyama starts going, "beep,beep,beep,beep" like a song, and KUsano follows. SO FUNNY ROTFL. I think this is getting too long..
Aw, I'm so sorry I didn't post for a HECK of a long time! People might've thought I was kidnapped! :o lols jk. Well, I'm so glad to be back! My internet wasn't working so *sigh*. Oh yes, TODAY IS MASSU, JIN, AND KUSANO'S B-DAY! Happy b-day guys!
I also made these cookies that are for them!
Well, for those that are in my class... I MISS YOU GUYS ALREADY. DDD: I miss Jesse's weird jokes, Connie's smartness, my crush's face xD, and MY FRIENDSSSSS. DDDD: But I'm sure someday we'll see each other again! Oh darn, I'm so lazy, I dont wanna work on my manga.. I'm on volume 4 now.. The cover is Jesse's character... ^^;; Next volume will probably be Nerissa's character.. I've been on crunchyroll alot today. Me and my friends (classmates) went to the beach on the 2nd last day of school! SO FUN. :D I even recorded some stuff. Nish, I DIDN'T DELETE THE VIDEO MWAHAHAAH. He's gonna kill me hehe. I'm probably gonna eat the cookie now. xD Unless my family are. o_o My grandma helped me make the cookies for the 3 guys. ^^ She's so helpful, so cool too! She played in a hockey team! And I found out my grandpa was one of the strongest ping pong players in Malaysia!!! :D wow, a famous guy in my house lols. I hope to be famous... But not famous like Paris. 0.o;; I bought the DBSK's Rising Sun showcase, the DBSK Five in teh Black CD, and the KAT-TUN Real Face Concert!!!! IM SO HAPPY. The DBSK thing wasnt as great as I hope. :( Except for the part where Hero, opened up his shirt and said, "X-MAN!". Haha. LOVED LOVED LOOOOOOVED THE KAT-TUN REAL FACE CONCERT! Oh yes, a few days ago, I went to Nakamaru's (girl ver, my friend) house, and we jumped on the trampoline alot. Hehe. In the DBSK showcase, Jae Joong jumps and poses for this Fila photo thing, and so me and Nakamaru were jumping and posing. I posed while jumping, and she took apic of me! It looked really cool at the end.. Of course not as cool as Jae Joong! Man I'm typing alot, I'm a typing machine! Ouch my fingers are hurting lols. Oh yes, I also saw a video where Yamapi says he has C-CUPS. O_O HE REALLY HAS MOOBS!!!! :O Lols, I love u Yamapi. I also sawe a video where Kusano and KOyama are doing a skit. Kusano tries to call KOyama, but then his answering machine picks up. The answering machine says, "please make a message after the beep. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee----- etc. So Kusano whacks Koyama, and then Koyama starts going, "beep,beep,beep,beep" like a song, and KUsano follows. SO FUNNY ROTFL. I think this is getting too long..
Related to
akanishi jin,
bla bla life,
dumped x3,
koyama keiichirou,
kusano hironori,
masuda takahisa,
Friday, June 15, 2007
Currently Listening to: Missing Piece - Saitoh Takumi & Ruito Aoyagi
Mood: \(^_^)/ - Happy
Missing Piece - Saitoh Takumi & Ruito Aoyagi.
Ruirui! <3 If you don't know, Saitoh Takumi & Ruito Aoyagi are actors in Tenimyu. Tenimyu is a prince of tennis musical. Saitoh plays Oshitari, and Ruito plays Gakuto. BEAUTIFUL MUSICAL. TOTALY RABU~ <3 Especially the Dream Lives of tenimyu. ^0^ I am a total Tenimyu fan. <3 As well as Atobe's actor, Kazuki Kato. <3 He's TEH BEST. >D But I lurve everyone in tenimyu. ^.^ And Echizen is darn cute (Yanagi Kotaroh). If you wanna watch tenimyu, just go to youtbe and write 'Tenimyu' there's bound to be MANY results. ^_^ My favourite dream live is 3, although I haven't see dream live 4 yet. >.< I wanna see!! *_* Another of my favourite songs are also by Saitoh and Ruito, the song...
Do Your Best - Saitoh Takumi & Ruito Aoyagi.
AN AWESOME RAP VER!! >D Ruirui raps really cutely. ^^ And Saitoh has an amaaaazing tone. ^^ HOWEVER, I LOVE KAT-TUN STILL~ I'll never love a band MORE than KAT-TUN. ^^ Although DBSK is a close 2nd. ^^ Well, I'm going to check if anyone uploaded dl4. ^^ Ja~ne!
Mood: \(^_^)/ - Happy
Missing Piece - Saitoh Takumi & Ruito Aoyagi.
Ruirui! <3 If you don't know, Saitoh Takumi & Ruito Aoyagi are actors in Tenimyu. Tenimyu is a prince of tennis musical. Saitoh plays Oshitari, and Ruito plays Gakuto. BEAUTIFUL MUSICAL. TOTALY RABU~ <3 Especially the Dream Lives of tenimyu. ^0^ I am a total Tenimyu fan. <3 As well as Atobe's actor, Kazuki Kato. <3 He's TEH BEST. >D But I lurve everyone in tenimyu. ^.^ And Echizen is darn cute (Yanagi Kotaroh). If you wanna watch tenimyu, just go to youtbe and write 'Tenimyu' there's bound to be MANY results. ^_^ My favourite dream live is 3, although I haven't see dream live 4 yet. >.< I wanna see!! *_* Another of my favourite songs are also by Saitoh and Ruito, the song...
Do Your Best - Saitoh Takumi & Ruito Aoyagi.
AN AWESOME RAP VER!! >D Ruirui raps really cutely. ^^ And Saitoh has an amaaaazing tone. ^^ HOWEVER, I LOVE KAT-TUN STILL~ I'll never love a band MORE than KAT-TUN. ^^ Although DBSK is a close 2nd. ^^ Well, I'm going to check if anyone uploaded dl4. ^^ Ja~ne!
Related to
bla bla life,
prince of tennis,
ruito aoyagi,
saitoh takumi,
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Mood: (O.O;;;) & \(^0^)/ - Scared & Excited
TOMORROW IS SPORTS DAY! AND I'M NOT GONNA USE JAPANESE SMILIES ANYMORE! TAKES TOO MUCH TIME! WHY AM I USING CAPLOCKS? ...ok better. xD I finished volume 2 of my manga Dumped x3! It's really popular in my class cuz everyone ushers me to finish it, and I have 2 characters that are suppose to be 2 of my classmates, and 1 character named Esutaa, which is me. >3 I just need to write the story at the back of the book. =D THAT'S IT! Then I have to work on volume 3. T_T It's only like 31 pages in volume 2. =_=;; But prettay fun. =3 Jesse is sooooo curious about what's gonna happen to his character, named Player. =P But Player has a real name, Akaharu, which means Red Winter. Evil-ish? Good. ^^ But he's not evil. ^^;; Akaharu has a girlfriend long time ago, named Himeyuki, meaning Snow Princess. =D Lolez, nice names? I hope so. T^T The main character is not player tho. =P It's Ken Miyuki, as well as Umi Lucky. <---Lucky is kind of an odd last name right? o.o;; But what the heck. :P Basically, it's about a 13 year old who goes to Para Para Middle school, and in the 2 days he's been there, he got dumped THREE TIMES ALREADY. He thinks he's outta luck until a beautiful girl named Umi becomes Ken's girflfriend! O_O There are many OTHER characters in the book, including Ken's best friend (popular) named Kouda Shuka. ^^ Well, you'll have to wait to read it, I doubt I'll publish it, but if I do, I'll tell ya! Talking about publishing, Ms.K (nice supervisor), is planning on publishing a childrens storybook, and she made me the illustrator! SHE'LL PAY ME! >D I can't wait. |-D Lolez, sayonara then. ^^
TOMORROW IS SPORTS DAY! AND I'M NOT GONNA USE JAPANESE SMILIES ANYMORE! TAKES TOO MUCH TIME! WHY AM I USING CAPLOCKS? ...ok better. xD I finished volume 2 of my manga Dumped x3! It's really popular in my class cuz everyone ushers me to finish it, and I have 2 characters that are suppose to be 2 of my classmates, and 1 character named Esutaa, which is me. >3 I just need to write the story at the back of the book. =D THAT'S IT! Then I have to work on volume 3. T_T It's only like 31 pages in volume 2. =_=;; But prettay fun. =3 Jesse is sooooo curious about what's gonna happen to his character, named Player. =P But Player has a real name, Akaharu, which means Red Winter. Evil-ish? Good. ^^ But he's not evil. ^^;; Akaharu has a girlfriend long time ago, named Himeyuki, meaning Snow Princess. =D Lolez, nice names? I hope so. T^T The main character is not player tho. =P It's Ken Miyuki, as well as Umi Lucky. <---Lucky is kind of an odd last name right? o.o;; But what the heck. :P Basically, it's about a 13 year old who goes to Para Para Middle school, and in the 2 days he's been there, he got dumped THREE TIMES ALREADY. He thinks he's outta luck until a beautiful girl named Umi becomes Ken's girflfriend! O_O There are many OTHER characters in the book, including Ken's best friend (popular) named Kouda Shuka. ^^ Well, you'll have to wait to read it, I doubt I'll publish it, but if I do, I'll tell ya! Talking about publishing, Ms.K (nice supervisor), is planning on publishing a childrens storybook, and she made me the illustrator! SHE'LL PAY ME! >D I can't wait. |-D Lolez, sayonara then. ^^
Related to
bla bla life,
dumped x3,
ken miyuki,
umi lucky
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Currently Listening to: Before he Cheats - Carrie Underwood
Mood: (-_-) & (>.<") - Bored & Sick
Well, my tummy hurts. Q(゚A゚ Q) The song's kinda nice if I think about it. Lolez. ARGH, SPORTS DAY IS ALMOST HERE! ..I don't wanna do it. ( ̄へ ̄;;)I have no idea what to say.. Except.. I think I'm gonna create anther KAT-TUN video with the song On Your Side by Sheryl Crow and Sting. 0_o;; But Idk yet. =P Well... (ヾ(´・ω・`)いってらっちゃ
Mood: (-_-) & (>.<") - Bored & Sick
Well, my tummy hurts. Q(゚A゚ Q) The song's kinda nice if I think about it. Lolez. ARGH, SPORTS DAY IS ALMOST HERE! ..I don't wanna do it. ( ̄へ ̄;;)I have no idea what to say.. Except.. I think I'm gonna create anther KAT-TUN video with the song On Your Side by Sheryl Crow and Sting. 0_o;; But Idk yet. =P Well... (ヾ(´・ω・`)いってらっちゃ
Related to
bla bla life,
sheryl crow,
Monday, June 11, 2007
Currently Listening to: Someday for Somebody - Kamenashi Kazuya
Mood: \(^0^)/ - Excited
♪ヾ(●ω●)ノ"こんばんわ! Well, tomorrow I have no school so... ヾ(* ̄ ̄ ̄▽ ̄ ̄ ̄*)ノ~ I'm beginning to use the japanese smileys alot... But oh well, I LOVE THEM! o(^▽^)o My sister is listening to a cd right now. =P Burned o'course. ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ Yay, my KAT-TUN girl version is so awesome. ヾ(●⌒∇⌒●) Me and Yann said if we met 6 guys who looked like us(or at least like KAT-TUN) then those 6 guys can be KAT-TUN boy style juniors, and we're KAT-TUN girl style juniors. ヽ(*◇*)/ In my dreams? Maybe not.. Lols joking. Well, I'm running out of things to say. (OAO*) Oh yes, want some pictures then? (⌒∇⌒)
UEDA, FROM THE GOSHDARN CUTE COMMERCIAL! For Rohto. \(@⌒∇⌒@)/ I really find Ueda kawaii there. o(● ̄ω ̄●)o <--Like that. Lolez. I talk to Koki alot yesterday (Dez), and she he even went on webcam. I did too, so =P. It was fun~ And I saw how huge her his tv was! GO_OD ..Looks like <---Good, but it is actually a face with ears.. O wtheck. | ̄ー ̄|Want more pictures? =D
Hehe, just because his song is on, and I love this guys attitude (and look hehe) to bits. I'M KAT-TUN BIASED. O_O O well, I made my friends like that too. (´∀`)MWAHAHA. I love this song. T^T Isn't Kame just adorable with that added little ponytail on his head? Ehem, that's it, because I wanna see something else.. I don't know what, but something. 0_o Well, Sayonara~ ((ヾ(゚∩゚*)
Mood: \(^0^)/ - Excited
♪ヾ(●ω●)ノ"こんばんわ! Well, tomorrow I have no school so... ヾ(* ̄ ̄ ̄▽ ̄ ̄ ̄*)ノ~ I'm beginning to use the japanese smileys alot... But oh well, I LOVE THEM! o(^▽^)o My sister is listening to a cd right now. =P Burned o'course. ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ Yay, my KAT-TUN girl version is so awesome. ヾ(●⌒∇⌒●) Me and Yann said if we met 6 guys who looked like us(or at least like KAT-TUN) then those 6 guys can be KAT-TUN boy style juniors, and we're KAT-TUN girl style juniors. ヽ(*◇*)/ In my dreams? Maybe not.. Lols joking. Well, I'm running out of things to say. (OAO*) Oh yes, want some pictures then? (⌒∇⌒)

Related to
bla bla life,
japanese stuff,
kamenashi kazuya,
solo picture,
ueda tatsuya
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Mood: \(^_^)/ - Happy
ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノおはよう! HOW'S EVERYONE? =D My good pal Koki (Dez) almost quit the band, BUT, with my AMAZING SKILLS (not), AND KOKI'S HOTTNESS (way true)SHE HE DIDN'T LEAVE!!! ~~~ヾ(^∇^) My cousin is in my house right now.. She's so cute. (゚▽゚*)♪ I'm not really listening to anything right now, except my cousin whining lol. But cute whines. b(⌒o⌒)d Not much to say right now.. Im singing the 'Twinkle Twinkle' song for my cousin, for her to sleep. o(・o・)o She's SO DARN CUTE. (・o・;;;) Well, anyways, KOKI SAYS SHE HE LOVES MY BLOG SITE!!! YAHOO. >D Well, not much to say but.. ☆ミ(o*・ω・)ノイッテキマ-ス!!
ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノおはよう! HOW'S EVERYONE? =D My good pal Koki (Dez) almost quit the band, BUT, with my AMAZING SKILLS (not), AND KOKI'S HOTTNESS (way true)
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Currently Listening to: Blue - Utada Hikaru
Mood: \(^0^)/ - Excited
(。・ω・)ノ゙ コンチャ♪ How's everyone? Right now, I feel awesome. =D I convinced 3 of my friends to become addicted with KAT-TUN!!! I'M SO PROUD OF THEIR LOYALTY. ♪~♪ d(⌒o⌒)b♪~♪ランラン Yeys~ ヾ(●⌒∇⌒●) My mom said I might be able to go out today and walk, and get a free slurpee with the free coupon I got. ヾ(〃^∇^) I lurve going out and walking~ I also got news that when I reach Malaysia for vacation, I might go to Pinang!!!! Or somewhere else.. I don't know how to spell it. ヾ(゚д゚*三*゚д゚)ノ Ouch, I just hurt my knee. (=д=ヾ) We might go to the beaachhhh~ \(^▽^\)(/^▽^)/ I lurve the beach!!! But my sister doesn't. ヾ(゚△゚) Well, I'll make sure she does!!! Dez is Koki, Yann is Jin, I'm Ueda, and Anj is Maru. =3 My sis is Junno. But we don't have a Kame yet. (=△=) We're gonna meet at Yann's house for a b-day party when summer vacation starts, and we're gonna get the lyrics for You, and try to sing it!! I'll be singing Kame's parts too becuz, 1 noone is Kame, and 2, I know KAT-TUN more than NYONE else. ヽ(▽^〃ヽ)ヽ(〃^▽^〃)ノ(ノ〃^▽)ノ For Junno, my sis might not come, and since we don't know the rap parts for Dez to sing, Dez might sing Junno's parts. I dont know yet but I'M SURE, it'll be fun. ヘ(^∇゚ヘ)(ノ゚∇^)ノ I really like this song... The first time I heard it was from a Tenimyu MV called Blue Tears.. It made me cry. (T△T) Well, Itterasshai! イテラ━━━ヽ(´∀`ヽ)━━━ン !!!!!
Mood: \(^0^)/ - Excited
(。・ω・)ノ゙ コンチャ♪ How's everyone? Right now, I feel awesome. =D I convinced 3 of my friends to become addicted with KAT-TUN!!! I'M SO PROUD OF THEIR LOYALTY. ♪~♪ d(⌒o⌒)b♪~♪ランラン Yeys~ ヾ(●⌒∇⌒●) My mom said I might be able to go out today and walk, and get a free slurpee with the free coupon I got. ヾ(〃^∇^) I lurve going out and walking~ I also got news that when I reach Malaysia for vacation, I might go to Pinang!!!! Or somewhere else.. I don't know how to spell it. ヾ(゚д゚*三*゚д゚)ノ Ouch, I just hurt my knee. (=д=ヾ) We might go to the beaachhhh~ \(^▽^\)(/^▽^)/ I lurve the beach!!! But my sister doesn't. ヾ(゚△゚) Well, I'll make sure she does!!! Dez is Koki, Yann is Jin, I'm Ueda, and Anj is Maru. =3 My sis is Junno. But we don't have a Kame yet. (=△=) We're gonna meet at Yann's house for a b-day party when summer vacation starts, and we're gonna get the lyrics for You, and try to sing it!! I'll be singing Kame's parts too becuz, 1 noone is Kame, and 2, I know KAT-TUN more than NYONE else. ヽ(▽^〃ヽ)ヽ(〃^▽^〃)ノ(ノ〃^▽)ノ For Junno, my sis might not come, and since we don't know the rap parts for Dez to sing, Dez might sing Junno's parts. I dont know yet but I'M SURE, it'll be fun. ヘ(^∇゚ヘ)(ノ゚∇^)ノ I really like this song... The first time I heard it was from a Tenimyu MV called Blue Tears.. It made me cry. (T△T) Well, Itterasshai! イテラ━━━ヽ(´∀`ヽ)━━━ン !!!!!
Related to
bla bla life,
summer vacation,
ueda tatsuya
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Currently Listening to: Natsu no Owari Mou Kako no Koi - Shirota You
Mood: \(^0^)/ - Excited
~~~ヾ(^∇^)おはよ♪ Why am I excited? I HAVE NO IDEA! I'm just feel dead happy. (≧▽≦) Well, like the japanese smileys? I find them really cute. ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ_彡☆バンバン!! Yes, Shirota, your voice is TOTAL AWE. My gosh, I never knew he could sing so well.. And the fact that he's HALF SPANISH!!O(≧∇≦)O たのしい!!! Yorokobu~~ =D kanashimu ja nai!!! ワッショイヽ(゜∀゜)メ(゜∀゜)メ(゜∀゜)ノワッショイOkay then, I have to work on some 'special' things for a 'special' friend. ( ̄▽ ̄) ニコッ♪ I know I said I'd stop blogging here at Xanga BUT I CAN'T HELP MYSELF. I lurve my blog here. ヽ(  ̄д ̄;)ノ Forgive me. 号(┳Д┳)泣 Well either than that, I have not much to say. 0.0 Oh yes, I asked Philip and keith, and Anjani what they thought of Jae Joong as a girl, and they thought he was ok. But Anjani thought he was PRETTY~ (・ω・)b 愛 Since I've said the stuff I mean't to say.. (⌒∇⌒)ノ""マタネー!!
Mood: \(^0^)/ - Excited
~~~ヾ(^∇^)おはよ♪ Why am I excited? I HAVE NO IDEA! I'm just feel dead happy. (≧▽≦) Well, like the japanese smileys? I find them really cute. ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ_彡☆バンバン!! Yes, Shirota, your voice is TOTAL AWE. My gosh, I never knew he could sing so well.. And the fact that he's HALF SPANISH!!O(≧∇≦)O たのしい!!! Yorokobu~~ =D kanashimu ja nai!!! ワッショイヽ(゜∀゜)メ(゜∀゜)メ(゜∀゜)ノワッショイOkay then, I have to work on some 'special' things for a 'special' friend. ( ̄▽ ̄) ニコッ♪ I know I said I'd stop blogging here at Xanga BUT I CAN'T HELP MYSELF. I lurve my blog here. ヽ(  ̄д ̄;)ノ Forgive me. 号(┳Д┳)泣 Well either than that, I have not much to say. 0.0 Oh yes, I asked Philip and keith, and Anjani what they thought of Jae Joong as a girl, and they thought he was ok. But Anjani thought he was PRETTY~ (・ω・)b 愛 Since I've said the stuff I mean't to say.. (⌒∇⌒)ノ""マタネー!!
Related to
bla bla life,
jae joong,
japanese stuff,
shirota you,
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Currently Listening to: Blue - Utada Hikaru
Mood: \(^_^)/ & :DDD - Happy & Fulla Joy!
HELLO! I feel gu-ray-tuh! =D All the guys (well most) are oddly nice today. o.o;; *gets bricked* lol. WAH, WAH!!!! I WANT TO GO TO TORONTO!!! BRING ME THERE NISH!!! >OOO YOU'RE RICH RITE? lols. I'll pay back? xD I WANNA GO TO THE ANICONNNNNN DDDD: *grr* lols. Also.. WHEN IS TOKKYU TANAKA 3 GO EPISODE 4 GONNA COME OUTT?????!!!!!! I MISS U TANAKA~~~ D: I wanna see the next episodeeee. D: As well as Hanayome to Papa episode 5~ ): nande? nande? nande? o.o I've heard a TERRIBLE, HEARTBREAKING, AND DEPRESSING, rumorr!!!! ...The rumor is KAT-TUN MIGHT SPLIT UP IN SEPTEMBER. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO*breathes*OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO*breathes*OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO*breathes*OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*breathes*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THIS IS NO LAUGHING MATTER. IF THEY SPLIT UP, ILL TRUTHFULLY CRY MY EYES OUT. DONT KAT-TUN!!!!! >>>.<<< I LOVE U GUYS SO MUCH. D: KAT-TUN IS NOT ONLY TALENTED, THEY'RE GOOD LOOKING AND MOST OF ALL, HAVE THE PERSONALITIES OF 6 ANGELS. I lurve u guyz, don't split up. >.< Okay, lets not make this so sad. NEXT TOPIC. ...What is the next topic?... UEDA'S CUTE LIKE USUAL! :D I HATE FAN RUMORS. THE ONLY THINGS I BELIEVE WILL BE THE THINGS COMING OUT OF KAT-TUN'S MOUTH, NOT OTHERS. D: SPREAD THE PAIN! lol jk. xD But if you love KAT-TUN as much as I do, or even a bit, PLEASE post this anywhere! Not my blog entry, but the words, "KAT-TUN we love you, so don't split up if you plan to. Not even for a few days. Please, we love you and your music. Pass it on if you love KAT-TUN too, even if it's a bit only." pretty please?
Mood: \(^_^)/ & :DDD - Happy & Fulla Joy!
HELLO! I feel gu-ray-tuh! =D All the guys (well most) are oddly nice today. o.o;; *gets bricked* lol. WAH, WAH!!!! I WANT TO GO TO TORONTO!!! BRING ME THERE NISH!!! >OOO YOU'RE RICH RITE? lols. I'll pay back? xD I WANNA GO TO THE ANICONNNNNN DDDD: *grr* lols. Also.. WHEN IS TOKKYU TANAKA 3 GO EPISODE 4 GONNA COME OUTT?????!!!!!! I MISS U TANAKA~~~ D: I wanna see the next episodeeee. D: As well as Hanayome to Papa episode 5~ ): nande? nande? nande? o.o I've heard a TERRIBLE, HEARTBREAKING, AND DEPRESSING, rumorr!!!! ...The rumor is KAT-TUN MIGHT SPLIT UP IN SEPTEMBER. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO*breathes*OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO*breathes*OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO*breathes*OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*breathes*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THIS IS NO LAUGHING MATTER. IF THEY SPLIT UP, ILL TRUTHFULLY CRY MY EYES OUT. DONT KAT-TUN!!!!! >>>.<<< I LOVE U GUYS SO MUCH. D: KAT-TUN IS NOT ONLY TALENTED, THEY'RE GOOD LOOKING AND MOST OF ALL, HAVE THE PERSONALITIES OF 6 ANGELS. I lurve u guyz, don't split up. >.< Okay, lets not make this so sad. NEXT TOPIC. ...What is the next topic?... UEDA'S CUTE LIKE USUAL! :D I HATE FAN RUMORS. THE ONLY THINGS I BELIEVE WILL BE THE THINGS COMING OUT OF KAT-TUN'S MOUTH, NOT OTHERS. D: SPREAD THE PAIN! lol jk. xD But if you love KAT-TUN as much as I do, or even a bit, PLEASE post this anywhere! Not my blog entry, but the words, "KAT-TUN we love you, so don't split up if you plan to. Not even for a few days. Please, we love you and your music. Pass it on if you love KAT-TUN too, even if it's a bit only." pretty please?
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